Berlin-Model Y launch event in planning for October 2021

Berlin-Model Y launch event in planning for October 2021

The well-known goal of Tesla’s mission is to accelerate the world’s transformation for sustainable development. Elon Musk founder and CEO of Tesla has recently announced that their project about the Tesla Model Y and the Berlin-Brandenburg plant project that was delayed and postponed multiple times is, at last, it is the news that it is going to be launched in just a few weeks.


 This plant is going to be the first such plant of Tesla motors that has its roots in Europe and the second Tesla production plant that has its roots in a non-United States city.


Not only the plant is newly set up, but even the Tesla product that is going to be first produced in this Tesla plant is also going to be a new Model of Tesla that was in months of planning too. The production of this all-new Tesla Model Y is going to be setting its inception timestamp in the coming October. 


Currently, the only Tesla plant that is producing this model is the Shanghai plant and due to this Tesla car is supposed and believed to become the most important car of Tesla so there is a dire need for Tesla to establish new plants that are pre-equipped with all the production systems for that particular model.

Model Y

Let us see various features Model Y provides us.

1. Every model designed under the roof of tesla is equipped with safety measures, and tesla calls Model Y the safest one in its class.


2. It has the versatility to carry over 7 passengers within it and also provides a big Cargo space.


3. For better handling, stability, and traction, all-wheel drive has an ultra-responsive and independent electric motor that maintains torque on both front and rear wheels. 


4. Being fully electric, it won’t be needing you to visit a gas station again, just charge it overnight at your home and get it fully charged every morning. 


5. The new Autopilot’s advanced safety and convenience features are designed to assist you with burdensome parts of driving. 


6. It has a clean and simple interior with a 15-inch touch screen mounted upfront and an all-expensive glass roof. 

With all the new features, Model Y is excited to get you your daily rides. All these features and audience targeting that you see in the functional planning of this car can be the major reason why Tesla Cybertruck is on the sidelines for now as the Tesla Cybertruck was already a product with minimal profitability and for a minimal audience that is limited to the just United States, so this is not Tesla’s priority right now.


But even if we consider comparatively more profitable and important products of Tesla, like Model X and Model S that have an audience among the best part of the globe, also has been either slowed or completely halted for some plants for the past few months in the preparation of Model Y and its compatible production plants, it does not even seem to affect Tesla in terms of finance or profitability as they are planning something huge, of which they seem confident.