How to maintain your vehicles and Prepare for Winters:

How to maintain your vehicles and Prepare for Winters:

With the start of the winter, it is very important to provide good care to your vehicle for longer life. It is obvious if you are thinking that maintaining your car in winter can be a big headache, but it is not true. The maintenance of your vehicle can be easy if you look for the need. If you are not ignoring the demands of your vehicles in winter, you will not face any challenges. There are various problems such as freezing of oil, dryness in vehicles, and battery problems in the season of winter.


As the winter season approaches, it is important to prepare before the weather gets hard on your vehicle. Winter may cause you a dreadful experience if it is not cared for according to the need of weather. The most recommended thing is to visit service centers before the start of the winter. But if you think you can take care of your vehicle by yourself, here are a few tips on how to start taking care of your car for winter and get it ready for long drives. 

1. Oil Check and Change

The most problematic thing in winter for cars is the oil. It is very crucial to inspect oil and oil filters to avoid this challenge. Replacing the engine oil and filter before the start of the winter keeps you out of frosty situations during winter drives.

2. Coolant Check

Along with the oil check, another important part of the vehicle to ensure perfection during the winter season is the coolant system. The main role of the coolant is to keep your car cool and avoid overheating your engine and motors. It is important to check that your coolant is a good mixture of both the water and the coolant.

3. Brakes

 Brakes play a major role in providing safety to your vehicles and the people in the car. It is important to check your brakes before every ride and frequently to avoid accidents with cars. Sometimes due to low temperature in the winter season, the brakes of the vehicle don’t work properly. Therefore, it is important to keep your brakes effective and working properly in all conditions.

4. Inspect the battery

 In the winter season, the probability that the battery drains exceeds due to cold start the vehicles. The level of water in the battery should be checked and refilled if it is below a certain limit. The inspection of the battery offers the right driving experience to you even in harsh and cold situations. 

5. Windshield and Wipers Care

The fog in winters is a real challenge. Check the condition of your wiper rubber of the windshields as they may get hard due to extreme cold weather conditions.


Also, if you haven’t changed the wipers for a long time, it is advised to replace your car wipers as the soap content loses its impact over time. And if you travel and drive more frequently in hilly regions, a small layer of ice is obvious over the windshield.


Taking proper care of vehicles is essential irrespective of any season. In winters they need other maintenance and in summers they need other, taking care of them makes them last longer and new. Taking measures that are defined above will help you in every aspect to pass these winters.


Other measures you can take are keeping winter survival kits ready, rubber hose and leakage check-up, lights and bulb inspection, seatbelts, tire condition, etc. Taking proper measures at first will make your winters hassle-free and will provide you effortless driving experience.