How to protect your vehicle in cold Temperatures?

How to protect your vehicle in cold Temperatures?

Shivering or chilling in dripping cold temperatures making it impossible to survive as a human. What chilling temperatures can do to vehicles is immeasurable. The bitter and freezing temperatures can disrupt the functioning of your vehicle.

Winter and snow driving have been considered most dangerous, leading to compromise in vision and severe accidents. The major consequences of winters in vehicles are seen in battery draining, deflated tires, transmission issues, and the list go on.

We have streamlined some problems and how to overcome them for a safer drive in cold temperatures.

Deflated Tires

The decreasing temperatures make tires colder and lead to lesser pressure and make them underinflated. Every time you arrive at the gas station or run for errands check the tire pressure and inflate the tires. This would lessen the chances of getting stuck in the middle of the road.

It is advisable to inflate the tires every week to achieve better traction and eliminate wear and tear. Either invest in all-season tires or winter tires for a safer ride and save cost on maintenance from I-5 Motors.

Draining Battery

The cold temperatures and batteries are frenemies and tend to affect the functioning in extreme cold weather conditions. This situation makes the battery dead or draining.

The drivers can easily protect the battery from draining with the use of jumper cables. It is recommended by Mildenberger Motors ASE certified mechanics to keep the battery clean, tight, and corrosion-free for better functioning and enhanced performance.

If you are living in winter areas, advisable to switch to winter tires and invest in battery warmers to avoid the situation of dead battery in the middle of the road. If you are using an electric vehicle, batteries are the powerhouse to function keeping them warm is all you need.

Slippery Transmission

If the vehicle is acting out due to cold and freeze that means the chances of slippery transmission are there. The slipper situation can take place for many reasons such as fluid leaks. The transmission slips can be sudden due to squeaky engine noise, problems in gears. Routine maintenance and driving habits help the driver to avoid these situations and have a safer driving experience.

Frozen Windshields

If the vehicle has deforesting issues and causing trouble in working of the windshield. Driving the vehicle without a defrost function can cause an issue in safeguarding the vehicle and driver. Before the winter arrives, inspect the vehicles and make sure defrosting and heating functions are working properly.

Thick oil

The freezing temperature gets oil thicker and thicker. The thick oil creates severe problems in the engine and affects the functioning of the vehicle. Synthetic oil usage can avoid the thickening of oil but it’s not recommended by every certified mechanic at Toyota Place to use in cars. The vintage cars are suitable for using synthetic oil usage and can enhance their performance in long run.

Inactive Infotainment Systems

The vehicles are equipped with smart technology and an intuitive infotainment screen system gets affected by freezing temperatures. The vehicle’s functioning system when sitting idle in extremely cold conditions tends to affect the engine performance and battery electrolytes. As temperature drops, LCD screens get affected.

The vehicles with infotainment issues can get an engine block heater installed under the hood. This doesn’t affect the working of the infotainment system and amps up the performance.

Driving an EV in cold weather

No matter how environmentally friendly and concerned we are but winters can leave a drastic impact on electric vehicles. The driving habits make it easier to drive but freezing temperatures can affect the efficiency and performance of the vehicle.

The risk of draining the battery and consuming more energy than ever in the temperature requires more energy and insides warm. It is advisable to perform routine maintenance and check-ups on EV for better performance and efficiency.